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Archive For June, 2014

Across North America…

Over the past two decades, researchers have been busy designing, developing, testing, and implementing advanced technologies to successfully help those with disorders, spanning from anxiety to addiction to phantom limb pain. Scientists throughout the world are realizing the potential for technology to enhance the medical “continuum of care” beginning with prevention, training, and education and continuing through treatment and rehabilitation. In this issue, we highlight some of the advances being made in North America.

The Emergence of CyberFashion

The Emergence of CyberFashion

➣ By Daniel Stevens When most think of fashion, we tend to think of chic models, latest trends, beautiful garments, and innovative designs. The clothing industry has generated billions in…read more →

Guest Editorial

Guest Editorial

By Dr. David A. Thomas, NIH/NIDA Dear Reader, The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the United States Department of Health & Human Services, with an annual budget…read more →

Facing Your Fears: Virtually

Facing Your Fears: Virtually

➣ By Brenda K. Wiederhold What if the thought of entering the enclosed space of an elevator terrified you so badly that you decided to climb the seven flights of…read more →